Monday, January 12, 2009

Michael's fun weekend....

Rarely do I post about Michael, but this weekend he got to hunting with his buddy Butch. He had a blast hanging out with is buddies. Now if these animals were not so mean and did not do so much destruction I would feel sad. These guys also gave all the meat to a homeless shelter, so a good deed was done!


Rachel Mohat said...

wow that is a lot of dead pigs! Thats awesome that they gave the meat to a homeless shelter. I bet they were very appreciative!a

Hartmans said...

What a great give the meat to a homeless shelter. Would never have thought to do something like that. P.S. Blake is a big ol' boy. Can't believe Anna weighs the same as him.

Hall Family said...

I saw one of those dead on the side of the road last week...I was completely surprised!